About Me

Welcome to my A2 Media blog! I'm an 18 year old sixth form student studying Media, History and ICT. After university, I would like to either become a royal news journalist or a wedding planner.

First draft of preliminary front cover

This is the front cover of my preliminary task sixth form school magazine. I am very pleased with the first draft; however, I believe there are some improvements I can make to it. These include:

- Moving the dateline to a more discreet place to its current position which is underneath the selling line and masthead. In its current position, it could be viewed as quite random therefore it needs to be in a more professional place on the cover.
- Changing the size of the selling line to ensure it doesn’t cover the models heads and doesn’t distract the reader from the masthead.
- Correcting spelling mistakes of ‘dilemmas’.
- Move the cover lines away from the edge of the page as they run the risk of being cut off when being uploaded to my blog. 
- Changing the position of the left-hand side cover lines to make the gradient more natural.
- Re-think the colours of the left- hand side cover lines so they do not blend in with the models skirt.
- Alter the gap between the main cover lines to avoid the shoes being on display which may make the cover look odd.
- Move the puff into a different position along the bottom of the page so it doesn’t get cut off. Also including a picture of cinema tickets will add some change to the cover.