About Me

Welcome to my A2 Media blog! I'm an 18 year old sixth form student studying Media, History and ICT. After university, I would like to either become a royal news journalist or a wedding planner.



1. In your opinion, would a sixth form magazine be an important feature of sixth form life?

Yes      No

2. Would you prefer your sixth form magazine to be based around:

School news      Outside school news        Combination of both

3. If you chose 'outside school news', which categories, in your opinion, will be most important?

World news including politics, business, health

Entertainment including fashion, music, TV, celebrity


4. How much would you be prepared to pay for a copy of the sixth form magazine?

Nothing        40p-£2        £3 maximum

5. Would you be interested in getting involved in the content of the magazine, if it were a small part i.e. personal achievement.

Yes     No